Ray Sinclair
Mar 15, 2021


The Absolute.

I am the realm of all, nothing can contain me.

I am no thing not a he nor a she.

I am the golden desert hue, rainbow’s perfect arch.

I am a snowflake dropped on cue, budding wildflowers in March.

I am sun, heat pulsing through your veins.

I am sweet smell of fields after drenching rains.

I am frozen rivers patient in season cold.

I am the playful children, wisdom of old.

I am wind that blows trees growing tall.

I am infinite universe, microscopic small.

I am uninspiring dull, ideas spark.

I am birth, death, light and dark.

I am pawn and king; all players are me.

I am air on a wing, silent witness in me.

Copyright Ray Sinclair 2021



Ray Sinclair

Bachelor of Journalism. Actor. Radio Announcer. Poet. Ex Royal Navy Clearance Diver. Falklands Veteran. HMS Coventry Salvage Team. ray.sinclair.journo@gmail.com